"Church Discipline" Tagged Teaching

"Church Discipline" Tagged Teaching

The Shepherd’s Protection

Selected Scriptures We are in a final message on the short series on shepherding and it’s just a, just given the briefest outline on the chief duties of pastoral ministry. And as I’ve said to you before, I’m kind of teaching my own job description to you to show you from God’s Word what pastors are responsible to do. This is job description for pastors, elders, shepherds, overseers, bishops, if you want to use that word, that’s the word for…

The Discipline of the Local Church

Selected Scriptures This morning you can open your Bibles to Matthew 18. Can open your Bibles there. You know we ended the time last time there in Matthew 18. We looked at Matthew 16 and Matthew 18, talking about Jesus’ uses of the word church. Two times, two specific times, he addressed the issue of the church, and, recognized and acknowledged both the universal aspects of the church and the local realities of the church of Christ. Basically, we’re talking…