"Christ" Tagged Teaching

"Christ" Tagged Teaching

The Meekness of Christ

Selected Scriptures From time to time in our study of Luke’s Gospel, I like to pause and reflect on a theme, a theme that’s coming up in our, in our study. And since I was invited recently to a conference, and since that conference theme was, “Remember Jesus Christ,” I thought this would be a fitting time to reflect on a theme in Luke’s Gospel. And I knew that I could practice out there, make all my mistakes, and then…

The Christ of God

Luke 9:18-20 We are back in our study of Luke’s Gospel, so you can turn in your bibles to the next verse, Luke 9:18 and if you are visiting with us for today we are so glad as we’ve said, so glad that you’ve come we want to welcome you and greet you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior there is probably no better way to sum up Grace Church and what we stand for, what…