Teaching by Travis Allen (Page 59)
Words Fitly Spoken
Ephesians 4:29
Recovering the Priority of the Local Church
Selected Scriptures We’re continuing our series that we’re calling “Support Your Local Church.” I’ve been encouraged by the elders to extend this series a bit, so I have done that. I’m going to expand it just somewhat. We’re going to keep going on the series. I was going to cut it off in May, but we’re going to go into the month of June and we’ll come back to Luke’s Gospel after that. What I want to do this morning…
Communion: The Fellowship of the Church
Selected Scriptures We’re going through a little series that we’re calling Support Your Local Church. Support Your Local Church. Usually in the pulpit here, we go verse by verse through a passage of Scripture, but we’re breaking from our normal regular study of the Gospel of Luke to address a vital topic, the topic of local church membership, local church involvement. This is our third week in the series. We’ve already seen from Scripture the purpose of the local church…
Baptism: The Gateway to the Church
Selected Scriptures All right, we have started into a series on involvement in the local church. We set a foundation last week in 1 Timothy 3:14-16 by seeing how significant the local church is in God’s eyes, churches, the pillar and ground of the truth. That’s the language that’s used there in 1 Timothy 3. As we said, local churches are like temples. That’s the imagery that Paul used in 1 Timothy 3. And God has filled those temples, the…
Careful Anger, Part 2
Genesis 4:26-27
Guardians of the Truth
1 Timothy 3:14-16 As we get into our time around God’s Word this morning, I want to preview what’s coming, not just today, but for the rest of the month. We have about 25 people waiting to enter membership here at Grace Church, and the elders have been working on an update to our whole membership process, our membership application. Gotta couple more things to do, but we think we’re just about ready. And we just wanted to let you…
Careful Anger, Part 1
Ephesians 4:26
Mary, An Exemplary Believer
Luke 1:33-38 Well, take your Bibles in hand and open them to Luke 1:26—Luke 1:26, for our final sermon on this section. We’ll begin by reading one more time that passage—Luke 1:26 to 35—and this account is nothing short of amazing. Its depth is staggering. Its simplicity is incredible. Without a doubt this is the Word of God. You can tell a difference every time you read anybody else’s book. A human book, a human author, as excellent as it…