10:30 am Sunday Worship
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO

Teaching by Travis Allen (Page 59)

Mary, An Exemplary Believer

Luke 1:33-38  Well, take your Bibles in hand and open them to Luke 1:26—Luke 1:26, for our final sermon on this section.  We’ll begin by reading one more time that passage—Luke 1:26 to 35—and this account is nothing short of amazing.  Its depth is staggering.  Its simplicity is incredible.  Without a doubt this is the Word of God.  You can tell a…

The Virgin Birth, Part 2

Luke 1:32 Open your Bibles to Luke Chapter 1.  Luke Chapter 1.  We’re continuing our study of Gabriel’s announcement of the birth of Jesus Christ to the virgin Mary.  This is what Gabriel the angel spoke to her about the miraculous conception of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in this announcement, we see Jesus’ true nature and the significance of his life,…

The Virgin Birth, Part 1

Luke 1:31   Turn in your Bibles to Luke chapter 1.  We’re returning to our study of Luke’s Gospel this morning, and I know some of you are thinking something like this:  Are we ever going to get out of chapter 1, all right?  I hear you, believe me.  This chapter is 80 verses long, okay?  If we were in one of…

Favored By God

Luke 1:28-30   Well, as we come to our time in God’s Word this morning, you can open your Bibles as we’ve been in Luke’s Gospel.  We’ve just entered into this study.  We’re just kind of dipping our toes into the water, basically, of such a wonderful, rich text of Scripture, the main subject of which is our glorious Lord and Savior…

Grace Comes to Nazareth

Luke 1:26-27 As we come to our time in God’s Word, go ahead and turn in your Bibles to Luke’s Gospel chapter 1. And we’re getting into verse 26, Luke 1:26. You’ll notice when we get there that we have finished the first narrative. We’re entering into the second narrative. Yay, yeah, woohoo! We actually made it. This is great. Like you,…

The Sign of Silence, Part 2

Luke 1:18-20   Well, as we come to our time in God’s Word, we’re turning to the Gospel of Luke.  We’re going to finish up what we started last week.  The longer I live as a Christian, the longer I work with other Christians, the more I grow in my understanding of God, His ways, His work, through His word, the more…