Teaching by Travis Allen (Page 56)
Loving Conversation
Ephesians 5:3-4
Tender Mercy in the Rising Son
Luke 1:78-80 Well, listen, as we turn our attention to God’s Word this morning, go ahead and open your Bibles to that final section in Luke’s Gospel, chapter 1. We’re going to be wrapping up. Hey, believe it or not, we’re going to be wrapping up Chapter 1 today. Yes! It’s been such a joy. There’s a sense, really a sense for me—I don’t know about you—but it’s a sense in which if it weren’t for what’s coming next, which…
Where Manhood Began
Genesis 1:26 to 2:24 As we turn our attention to our subject for this evening we want to ask and answer a very fundamental question here in our first session. What is manhood? If there has ever been a time in our nation’s history we have lacked clarity about that question that we’ve groped in the darkness to find an answer it’s now. Paul commanded the Corinthian church, 1 Corinthians 16:13, “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like…
Act Like Men
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 There’s no degree of sinful self-indulgence, no depth of sinful depravity that is beyond God’s power to save, right? Were, we are here to testify to that. And as we draw this to a close, I just want to take a few minutes to kinda wrap up the conference by focusing on the theme “Act Like Men.” It comes from, as you know, Paul’s final exhortation to the Corinthian church in 1 Corinthians 16:13-14. You can turn…
Plowing Fallow Ground
Luke 1:76-77 We’re getting into God’s Word this morning. Open your Bibles to Luke’s Gospel once again. We are at the end of the first chapter where we’ve slowed down just a bit to focus our attention on Zechariah’s Song. What we’re about to study as we get into Chapter 2 and following, throughout the rest of Luke’s Gospel, is quite weighted. It’s holy. And our society, our culture, our American culture—we’re not used to weighty. We’re not used to…
Imitating Your God
Ephesians 5:1-2
The Significance of New Covenant Salvation
Luke 1:72-75 Go ahead and turn to Luke’s Gospel. Luke, Chapter 1 and we’re in that section from verses 67 to 80, the last part of the chapter. On the first of this month, October 1, 2015, Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General Assembly. Some of you may have read that speech or read about it, or even watched the short little video clip there of Mr. Netanyahu’s 44 seconds of silence, which was a protest…
Grieve Not the Spirit, Part 3
Ephesians 4:32
Blessed Be God the Savior
Luke 1:68-71 Luke chapter 1, verse 68—there’s a design in the text as we talked about last week, the intention of the Holy Spirit to cause us to slow down and linger a little while on Zechariah’s Benedictus, his song of salvation, a prophetic word. Last week we used the hour to get an overview of this rich, very, very profound doxology, a song of blessing and praise. We’ve called this Zechariah’s Gospel Doxology because the song highlights gospel themes.…
Grieve Not the Spirit, Part 2
Ephesians 4:30-31