Teaching by Travis Allen (Page 48)

Teaching by Travis Allen (Page 48)

Reconciling with One Another: Forgiveness

Selected Scriptures Even though we are Christians, we are not completely freed from the presence of sin. We wish it were so, but that day is coming when we will graduate and go to heaven, and then we will be free completely from the presence of sin in ourselves and in other people as well. We look forward to that day, and we wish we could speed it along if we could, if it were not sinful to get there…

Reconciling with One Another: Confession

Selected Scriptures What I’d like to talk about this morning is biblical reconciliation. We’ll cover that for a couple of weeks, and then we’re going to talk about what biblical repentance looks like, how we work out reconciliation and repentance in our own lives, our life with our families, our life with other Christians in the church, even with people outside of our church as well.  One of the most precious gifts from God that any church can enjoy is…

Why Angels Rejoice

Luke 2:8-14 The shepherds visit to baby Jesus, just within hours of his birth, you might turn there in your bibles, if you have your bibles with you to Luke chapter 2 verses 8-14, just to see this for yourself. That account features the announcement of this heavenly visitor, a holy angel who came to say, I bring you good news. Good news. That’s a single verb in the language there. It’s translated here in our text using four words,…

Ambush on the Sabbath

Luke 6:6-11 We’ve been reading about Jesus. He and his disciples have been shadowed by the Jewish leadership. All the while, he’s demonstrating his power, his strength, his might, his healing, his concern for people, his mercy. Jesus’ ministry has attracted the attention of the religious authorities in Jerusalem. The scribes and the Pharisees, they went out from Jerusalem and Judea to go to Galilee, in that more rural area: Galilee of the Gentiles.  They went out to observe for…

Lord of the Sabbath, Part 2

Luke 6:1-11 42-063 Lord of the Sabbath, Part 2 Luke 6:1-5 November 27th, 2016 There in Luke Chapter 6 follow along as I read in Luke 6:1 through 11. “On a Sabbath, while he,” that is Jesus, “was going through the grain fields, his disciples plucked and ate some heads of grain, rubbing them in their hands. But some of the Pharisees said, ‘Why are you doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath?’ Jesus answered them, ‘Have…

Lord of the Sabbath, Part 1

Luke 6:1-5 As we have been moving through Jesus’ Galilean ministry, if you remember, Jesus’ Galilean ministry started in chapter 4, verse 14, and goes all the way through chapter 9, verse 50. But even in these early chapters, we have been seeing an increase of opposition from the Jewish leadership. As Jesus exercises his Messianic prerogatives, as he executes his Father’s perfect will, he’s being led along all the while by the Holy Spirit. And Jesus’ ministry, let’s just…

A Christian Response to the 2016 Presidential Election

1 Timothy 2, 1 Corinthians 15:58 Okay, as we turn our attention to God’s Word this morning, yesterday, Melinda and I were in Minneapolis. I was invited to preach at the Christian Worldview Conference. My friend, David Wheaton, maybe some of you who are tennis fans know the name David Wheaton. He was a 13-year tennis pro on the circuit in the 90’s mostly. He played with guys like Andre Agassi and Pete Sampras and all that. He won his own share of trophies and…