Teaching by Travis Allen (Page 44)
Blessed Are the Poor
Luke 6:20 We are back in the Sermon on the Mount this morning in Luke’s account, so go ahead and turn there to Luke 6:20. We’re going to read that introductory portion again. As we’ve said, the Sermon on the Mount is the most widely known of all Jesus’ teachings. A very profound teaching, very searching, provoking in our hearts. Because of its significance, we’ve taken a couple of weeks to introduce it, but now we’re ready to take the…
The Attributes of God’s Greatness: God Unaffected
Last week we reviewed the doctrine of divine simplicity and that wrapped up the section on God is life giving spirit. And then we got into the doctrine of immutability, that God is an unchanging God. God is, you can look at your outline here and follow this; God is life-giving spirit. God is one. You can see that Roman numeral one, letter A, number one and two, God is life giving Spirit. God is one. And then God is…
How to Hear the Sermon on the Mount
Luke 6:20-49 I invite you to turn in your bibles to the sixth chapter of Lukes’ Gospel, Luke 6:20. Luke 6:20. Of all the Jesus said whether it’s the whole sermon or portions of the sermon, the sermon on the mount is very likely the most commonly misinterpreted portion of Jesus teaching. When people get Jesus wrong on this sermon, they tend to through that misunderstanding they tend to misinterpret the entire meaning of his life and ministry as…
The Attributes of God’s Greatness: God Unchanging
This, this study of God, theology proper, we’ve divided God’s attributes, as we’ve said, into two, basically the attributes two categories: the attributes of greatness and the attributes of glory, or goodness, I’m sorry, can’t stop thinking about his glory. So, attributes of greatness and attributes of goodness. Okay, greatness and goodness. In talking about God’s greatness, we’ve looked at his greatness as those attributes that pertain, first of all, to God as immortal spirit. And that’s the section we’re…
Jesus Ministers to the Masses
Luke 6:17-19 This happens to be the fourth pause that Luke has provided us, which is sort of a short summary and allows us to stop and ponder. Allows us to look at the big picture, reflect, before we wade deeply into the waters that are ahead in the Sermon on the Mount. We’ve just been through a study of the Apostles. We took a few weeks to get a more detailed look at the men God ordained and the…
Biblical Ordo Salutis
The Bible-teaching ministry of Travis Allen, pastor-teacher of Grace Church Greeley. www.gracegreeley.org