Teaching by Travis Allen (Page 40)
How to Be an Excellent Disciple: Fidelity
Luke 6:46-49 J.C. Ryle wrote, “It has been said with much truth that no sermon should conclude without some personal application to the consciences of the listeners.” That’s what we’ve been getting from Jesus week by week. What Ryle continues by saying, he calls it a “solemn and heart-searching conclusion to a most solemn discourse.” I have certainly found that in my life and I believe that all of you have as well. We also find here some great comfort,…
The Devotional Implications of Christian Cosmology
What, what, we’re going to do this morning is going to be, a little bit of, what I’d like to keep on doing, as we get into the New year; to have a quite a bit more discussion. It was pretty intentional on my part to lay a foundation of biblical authority and some of the prologue on the first things of theology and then theology proper. And so the lecture format was pretty, pretty, intentional, on my part. And…
How to Be an Excellent Disciple: Fecundity
Luke 6:43-45 We are coming to the end of the Sermon on the Mount and just this week, actually, and next to finish it and don’t want to waste any time this morning, but get right into the text. So Luke, chapter 6. We’ll start reading in verse 39. Here is the conclusion of Jesus’ sermon and here in the conclusion, we’re finding some principles for discipleship. This is vital instruction for our discernment, for our protection, for edification as…
The Apologetic Implications of Christian Cosmology
Father want to thank you for your truth. We thank you for what we’ve learned over the year about you, about your absolute attributes, the attributes of your greatness, that you are immortal spirit, you are triune person. You are our creator and we thank you for the things that we’ve learned. And we just ask that you would help us to take those truths into our day-to-day life and our conversations with others. I pray that the truths that…
How to Be an Excellent Disciple: Humility
Luke 6:41-42 We’re coming to the conclusion on the Sermon on the Mount. And we’re actually in a little series here at the end of this Sermon on the Mount, identifying principles that lead us to excellence in discipleship. Jesus, as we’ve been saying, he gives us here four principles of discipleship in this final section, Luke 6:39-49. It starts with the principle of authority, which we looked at last week, verses 39-40. The principle of humility, verses 41-42. That’s…
How to Be an Excellent Disciple: Authority
Luke 6:39-40 We’re looking at Luke 6 verses 39 and running to the end of the chapter. This is the final section of Luke’s rec, record of the Sermon on the Mount. I wanted to, while you’re turning there just wanted to thank Lee Barton for opening the Word for us last week. Such an insightful, thought-provoking exposition of Psalm 2. In case you missed it, it is available on our website. You can download that, listen to it during…
The Attributes of God’s Greatness: God the Creator, Part 5
Father, thank you so much for the morning. Thank you for these men you’ve brought here and we ask that you would help us once again to speak clearly about you, precisely. Please help us to understand what you’ve revealed in your word about you and about the creation week, especially how you created, designed us, what you created us for. Thank you again for your revelation. Thank you again for your Holy Spirit. Thank you for uniting us to…