Teaching by Travis Allen (Page 37)
Jesus Loves the Pharisee Too
Luke 7:39-43 I’d like to invite you to turn in your Bibles to Luke 7:36.In our continuing study of Luke’s Gospel, and as you’re turning there, I’m just going to remind you briefly of what we covered last week. I don’t want to repreach the sermon but do want to just kind of warm you up a bit, give you a little bit of a reminder. Jesus has here been invited to dinner by a Pharisee, one of those Pharisees,…
A Lesson in Worship from a Sinful Woman
Luke 7:36-38 It is our joy, my joy, to come back to our study in the Gospel of Luke. I am very excited and eager to get into the text this morning. So you want to turn over to Luke chapter 7 and verse 36. I’m gonna begin this morning in just a moment here by reading the text. This week, next week, maybe another week after that, I don’t we’ll see, but we’re gonna see in this passage, which…
Strong Encouragement for New Believers
Luke 7:18-35 In the good providence of God, we have a unique opportunity today. This Sunday, today is not just a Baptism Sunday, it’s not just a Right Hand of Fellowship Sunday, as we bring new members into our fellowship. But it’s also, as you can see before you, it’s a Communion Sunday. And God has granted us just a little time, maybe some unhurried moments that we can use to prepare ourselves to partake of the Lord’s Table together…