Teaching by Travis Allen (Page 33)
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand, Part 1
Luke 9:10-17 Turn to Luke Chapter 9. Luke chapter 9. We have the privilege over the next couple of weeks to study one of Jesus’ most well-known, most beloved miracles; his feeding of the 5000. Feeding of the 5000, you’ll find that in Luke 9:10 to 17. This is the only miracle, apart from the resurrection itself, the only miracle that is recorded in all four gospels. It is important to say the least. It’s the climactic miracle that marks…
A Case Study in the Conscience
Luke 9:7-9 Well, then I’d invite you to open your Bibles to the Gospel of Luke and Luke Chapter 9. Luke Chapter 9. We’re going to be looking at verses 7 to 9 this morning. Luke 9:7 to 9. And what we find in these few verses here is yet another instance where in Luke’s Gospel here, where Luke slows us down a bit. And calls us here as the reader to pause for a bit of reflection, really. Before…
Examining the Body Armor
Ephesians 6:14
The Apostolic Way
Luke 9:3-6 We’re returning to our study of Luke’s gospel and Luke’s, Luke chapter 9, you can turn there in your Bibles. Luke chapter 9. When we started into this last week, Luke chapter 9, this wonderful chapter, been a lot of transitions in it, missional transition, geographical transition, theological transition, as the identity of Jesus Christ is made evermore plain and glorious for us, the readers. As we saw last week, Jesus is sending out the apostles on their…
Jesus Sends the Twelve
Luke 9:1-2 Luke, Chapter 9, very important, a, very important transitional chapter in Luke’s Gospel. In several, several significant ways it makes transitions. You can see a, a, geographical transition in Luke 9, as you read through it. Jesus leaves Galilee behind. He finishes up his ministry there and starts to make his way to Jerusalem. If you’re in Luke 9, you can see in verse 51, toward the end of the chapter it says, “When the days drew near…
Strapping Down and Standing Up
Ephesians 6:14
Perfecting an Imperfect Faith, Part 2
Luke 8:40-56 Well, for our time in God’s Word, this morning, we hope to finish the account that we started last week. So please turn in your Bibles to Luke, chapter 8 and verse 40. Luke 8:40. We’ll be going through that account to the end of the chapter, verse 56. At the end of Luke, chapter 8, we are seeing Jesus demonstrating incredible power. It’s divine power. It’s, it’s the power of God. He’s commanding the forces of nature,…