Teaching by Travis Allen (Page 22)
The Sin Beneath Our Sins
Luke 12:13-15 Turn in your Bibles to Luke chapter 12, and we are continuing to learn from our Lord’s teaching and today, we are going to get a brief glimpse into, we can call this, “Jesus’ Community Counseling Ministry,” as a man comes to Jesus to ask for help with a particular problem. You may remember that while Jesus had been teaching publicly, he was directing his instruction to his disciples. Even though there are thousands pressing in, uh, trampling…
The Joys of Fearing God
Psalm 119:161-168
The Benefits of Fearing God, Part 2
Luke 12:10-12 We are wrapping up what we started last Sunday, just a message on the benefits of fearing God. And today, we’re looking at Luke 12:10 through 12, where Jesus speaks about our spirit-instructed witness to the truth. Again, this section is going to be on the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and it’s kind of an early preview because the Spirit, according to what we read in Acts Chapter 2, had not yet come to the church. There…
Turmoil to Tranquility
Psalm 119:153-160
The Benefits of Fearing God, Part 1
Luke 12:4-9 Grab your bibles, open to Luke 12. The entry into Luke 12 has been pretty hard hitting, I think. Personally it’s been hard hitting to me and I think for a number of us as well, and today we’re going to discover the strength and the encouragement that Jesus gives to those who fear God. In all that has happened already during this pivotal year, the year 2020 has revealed an undeniable reality about America’s spiritual condition. We’re…
A Model for Praying Anxious Prayers
Psalm 119:145-152
The Remedy for Hypocrisy
Luke 12:2-5 I want to welcome you back to our study in Luke chapter 12. And we are looking at the subject of religious hypocrisy. Its danger and its remedy. Last week we talked about the danger of religious hypocrisy. Today, the remedy, which is the fear of God. I’ve been thinking a lot these days about the need for the fear of God in Christian ministry. And probably, a probably coming to a head as I think about what’s…
Finding Comfort in Righteousness
Psalm 119:137-144