Teaching by Travis Allen (Page 2)

Teaching by Travis Allen (Page 2)

Anticipating Christ’s Return

Luke 21:25-28 Anticipating Christ’s Return Luke 21:25-28 September 29, 2024 You can turn in your Bibles to Luke 21 as we return to our study of Luke’s Gospel, Luke 21. I’m going to start reading in verse 20; Luke 21, verse 20. You can follow along as I read. Jesus says to his disciples on Mount Olivet, this Olivet discourse, he says, “‘But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is at hand. And then…

Living in Light of Christ’s Return

Luke 21:24 Living in Light of Christ’s ReturnLuke 21:24September 22, 2024 Well, we come to the Word of God today, and we get to return to Luke’s Gospel. I have been most eager to get back into the flow, and I hope that you’re anticipating it, too. We are right in the middle of Luke chapter 21, so you can turn there in your Bibles, and right where we are in the text, it’s kind of the hinge point in…

The Shepherd’s Protection

Selected Scriptures We are in a final message on the short series on shepherding and it’s just a, just given the briefest outline on the chief duties of pastoral ministry. And as I’ve said to you before, I’m kind of teaching my own job description to you to show you from God’s Word what pastors are responsible to do. This is job description for pastors, elders, shepherds, overseers, bishops, if you want to use that word, that’s the word for…

The Shepherd’s Exhortation, Part 2

Selected Scriptures Well, we return to this topical series on shepherding, as I said, part 2 of what we started last week on the Shepherd’s Exhortation. And if you were here with us last week, you know that we were a few layers deep in sub-sub-points. So I can’t exactly dive in right where I left off without confusing some people who may have not been here last week. So I want to give just at least a little bit…

The Shepherd’s Exhortation, Part 1

Selected Scriptures Well, we have the joy, the privilege of returning today to a short topical series that we’re doing on shepherding as we look to launch our fall shepherding plan that we’ve talked to you about over the past number of months, and I don’t know how long it’s been. We started introducing some of that, but we look forward to getting to shepherd you better, more faithfully according to God’s Word, and by God’s grace and with your…

The Shepherd’s Instruction

Selected Scriptures Rather than jumping back into Lukes’ Gospel and our study of Lukes’ Gospel, we’re going to do, as I mentioned, a short series on shepherding, series on pastoral ministry. This is going to be more of a topical than an expositional series, just a three-week series. I trust it will be faithful to the exegesis of Scripture and the doctrine of Scripture. But over the next three weeks, what I would like to do is speak to you…

Combat Prayer

Ephesians 6:18-20  Our topic for today is prayer, and it’s not just about prayer, but about the essential role of prayer in spiritual warfare. I’m following up on last week’s sermon on the full armor of God. As I mentioned at the end of our time last week, I wanted to do a focused time on prayer this morning because if we make no progress in our praying, we will make no progress in our fighting, either. Prayer is what…

The Real War and How to Fight It

Ephesians 6:10-20 It’ll come to as no surprise to any of you when I say that we are living in some contentious times. Wars, battles, fights and talk of the same, it’s, it’s common, isn’t it? It’s constant in the culture. It’s like white noise. It’s become so constant: wars, battles, and fights all the time. We’ve actually got actual wars, they’re in the news and headlines all the time, kinetic and violent, like Israel and Hamas, Russia and Ukraine.…

Desolation and Abomination

Selected Scriptures We come to a point in our study of the Olivet Discourse where it’s time for us to pause for a bit, and we want to clarify an interpretive issue here in the text. We’ve come through, as you know, through Jesus’ prediction concerning one of the most dreadful events in history, which is the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple in AD 70. This really happened. We went through the history of it. Looked at the extra…

The Destruction of Jerusalem, Part 3

Luke 21:23-24 Well, we are in Luke’s record, his account of the Olivet Discourse in Luke 21. You’ll want to turn there. And over the last two weeks, we’ve seen how Jesus has been preparing his disciples for the siege on Jerusalem. He’s been shepherding them out of the danger and into a place of safety. And as we begin this morning, I’ve got bad news and good news. The bad news is this sermon you’re about to hear. It…