Teaching by Travis Allen (Page 16)

Teaching by Travis Allen (Page 16)

Parables of Redemptive Love

Luke 15:1-10 Today we are entering into one of the best known and most beloved chapters in the whole Bible, which is Luke chapter 15. So you can turn there, you’re not already there. Luke 15. Luke 15 is a series of three parables, as you probably know, the lost sheep, the last coin and the last son, the lost sheep, the last coin and the last son. And together those three parables paint for us a,  a precious, precious…

Reforming the Evangelical Pastorate

Well, I’d like to begin this session by reading the main text we’re going to examine. So turn in your Bibles to 1 Thessalonians chapter 2, 1 Thessalonians chapter 2, it’s a, really a vital text on pastoral ministry. Uh, this is a message that is themed around uh, reforming the evangelical pastorates. We’ve heard about reforming the evangelical pulpit and this is about reforming the evangelical pastorate, the pastorate itself. Paul was the quintessential pastor, the young church at…

The Need for Evangelical Reformation

Selected Scriptures Well, this opening session, it’s my task to show you the need for Evangelical Reformation. The need for Evangelical Reformation. And I want you to know that when I say I’m here to show you the need for Evangelical Reformation, that means that you’re going to hear some stuff that’s just not very pretty. It’s not a pretty picture; if it needs to be reformed, it means that there’s going to be some measure of critique. I don’t…

The Terrible Tragedy of a Nominal Christian

Luke 14:34-35 Go ahead and open your Bibles to Luke chapter 14, just two verses for today. At the end of Luke 14, verses 34 and 35, two verses, but a lot to learn. As we come to the close of this great chapter, Jesus issues a warning. And the warning is for nominal disciples. That is to say, these are disciples in name only, but not in heart, not in conduct.   They’re disciples in name only. They are following…

The Call to Radical Discipleship

Luke 14:25-33 What a joy it is to be back in the text with you today.  You can turn in your Bibles to Luke 14:25.  Luke 14:25-35 is a section that is searching and piercing.  And at the same time, it is also comforting and encouraging.  So, I think you’ll see what I mean as we read through the text.  Let’s begin by reading this morning, Luke 14:25-35.   It says this, “Now great crowds accompanied him, and he turned and…

Responding to the Invitation, Part 2

Luke 14:15 We are picking up where we left off last week in Luke 14.  So we’re coming back to Luke 14 verse 15, and the parable of the great banquet.  We got into the parable last time.  As you know, it’s a parable that Jesus gave to a room full of Pharisees and religious lawyers.  Those who are characterized, all through Luke’s Gospel, characterized as sinfully hostile to Jesus and opposing him and his ministry in every way.  Trying…

Responding to the Invitation, Part 1

Luke 14:15-20 We were in Luke 14 this morning looking at Jesus’ parable of the great banquet, which some refer to as the parable of the excluded guests. It is both of those things. It’s a parable of profound meaning of pointed significance. It’s intended to confront the falsely assured. Those in danger of rejecting God’s gracious invitation to them to come, to come. And so today, in this text, and what will cover today and next week, it will…