Teaching by Travis Allen (Page 14)
Why Christians don’t Divorce
Luke 16:18 Today we are going to take a closer look at the topic of divorce and remarriage. Divorce and remarriage. So, you can go back to Luke 16. We’re going to start with what Jesus said in Luke 16:18, then we’ll expand outward from there, to get kind of an overview of the subject. Obviously, in a one-off message like this, I can’t cover everything there is to cover on the subject of divorce and remarriage. I trust you’ll…
The Problem with Pharisees
Luke 16:14-18 Luke 16, middle of the chapter and we know that Jesus has been teaching his disciples about stewardship, stewardship. We, it’s been a couple weeks since we’ve been in the text, but I trust that your memory will serve you, as you glance at the text. You see the Jesus started with a parable. Grabbed their attention with this interesting parable. Interesting story about an unjust steward and, that, pointed his disciples toward a right use of stewardship.…
How Jesus Wants You to Use Money, Part 2
Luke 16:9-13 Just want to invite all of you uh, to take your Bibles in hand and actually turn to Hebrews chapter 3, not preaching out of Hebrews 3, but I’m gonna use that to introduce what we’re going to talk about in Luke 16. We are in Luke 16, which is a section of Jesus’ teaching on stewardship. And I wanna begin in Hebrews, a thought comes to mind about Jesus’ use of a stewardship and want to start…
Getting to Know Our Pastor
Travis gives his testimony and answers questions on his philosophy of ministry.
How Jesus Wants You to Use Money, Part 1
Luke 16:9 Turn to Luke 16. We’re in Luke 16 this morning and we’re following up on this intriguing and fascinating parable from Jesus, which is about the unjust steward. That’s what we covered last week. Last week we really saw a scoundrel of a human being. A steward who had been working for a very wealthy owner, landowner. A man who cheated his way out of a personal crisis. A predicament of his own making, which was losing his…
The Stewardship of a Scoundrel
Luke 16:1-8 Turn in your Bibles to Luke 16 and we’ll be looking at verses 1 to 13 of Luke, chapter 16. I was speaking the other day with someone. Both of us were expressing appreciation for all that the Lord taught us in Luke 15. The parable of the Prodigal Son. I had great joy in studying that section and preaching and teaching it. I feel a, a small tinge of sadness at leaving that beautiful, rich, richly textured…
The Lost Brother
Luke 15:25-32 This morning we do have one more chance to look at Luke 15, so if you turn there in your Bibles, you’ll be right in the right place. This is the parable of two lost sons and a, a very loving father. We have in our study over the past few weeks, we’ve seen the prodigal son. We’ve looked at the loving father last week and today we come to the second son, the elder brother, who is…
The Loving Father
Luke 15:17-24 I invite you to return to Luke 15 as we continue studying the parable of the prodigal son. And today we come to the central character in the story, who is the loving father and we’re going to see his remarkable kindness shown to an undeserving prodigal. We left the prodigal last time in some pretty dire circumstances. He was near starvation, in a pigsty, fine Jewish boy, but brought to that state, that condition in the fact…