Teaching by Travis Allen (Page 13)
Marriage Glorifies God’s Redemption, Part 1
Ephesians 5:15-24 Well, we are in a middle of a series on marriage and we have already looked at marriage as God designed it from creation in Genesis 1 and 2. We’ve also seen what’s happened to marriage as an institution because of the people who inhabit that institution in the sinful inhabitants of the institution. What happens to marriage in the fall? And today we are going to look at marriage as it is redeemed, marriage as it glorifies…
Marriage and the Hope of Redemption
Genesis 3:7-24 Well, we go from a sobering reminder of the world that we live in to think about marriage. And you might think, well, how are we going to make a segue from bombs going off in Kiev, Ukraine to the harmony and the joy of our marriages. Well, here’s my attempt. When those unbelievers come into a bomb shelter and they see the families of believing Ukrainians and believing missionaries, they see a difference. There is a difference…
Marriage Subjected to Futility
Genesis 3:1-13 We are in a series on marriage, and in the last two weeks we’ve looked at the creation week of Genesis to learn about and learn to appreciate God’s design for marriage. You can go back to the Book of Genesis in your Bibles. If you are just visiting with us, or this is your first time here, a, first time back in a, in a while, you’re entering into the mid-flow of a, of a series. And…
God Made Marriage for Goodness
Genesis 1-2 Well, last week we introduced a new series on marriage and today we’re going to pick up where we left off in that series, so you can turn in your Bibles to Genesis chapter 1. Genesis chapter 1. We set up the series last time by addressing what is really a mistake that many people make by coming into marriage with a set of false assumptions or a set of false expectations, and maybe the chief among those…
God Made Marriage Good
Genesis 1-2 You may have heard or seen on the website that we’re taking an extended break from Luke’s gospel in the exposition of Luke ah, to address the topic of marriage. It seemed like an appropriate time considering what Jesus said about divorce in Luke 16:18 that was corrective in nature and we did a sermon on that 1 verse, seemed appropriate to do that. We also did a message the next week following that message, did a message…