Teaching by Travis Allen (Page 12)
The Rich Man and Lazarus, Part 1
Luke 16:19-23 Today we come to the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, so I want you to open your Bibles to Luke chapter 16, Luke 16. While you’re turning there, just to sort of set this up, I’d like to read from what the Apostle Paul says at the end of 2 Corinthians chapter 4, so you turn to Luke 16, and I’ll read from 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 where Paul says this, “So we do not lose heart.…
The Doctrine of Hell and Its Fruits
Luke 16:19-31 We have the joy, the privilege of returning to the Gospel of Luke once again. I have missed it for sure, and I trust that you have, too. So turn in your Bibles to Luke 16 and the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. It was a really unique parable among all of Jesus’ parables.It’s one of Jesus’ longest. It’s the most story-like of all his parables. It’s full of rich and vivid detail. And it’s because…
Q & A With The Two TAs
Discussion time on faith, family, worldview, and living in this age.
Marriage and the Unmarried Christian, Part 2
Selected Scriptures
Marriage and the Unmarried Christian, Part 1
Selected Scriptures We have come to the final messages in our marriage series this morning and this evening we’ll cover those. We’re asking the question today: What does the Bible have to say to unmarried Christians? How should the unmarried think about marriage and their place in a church where marriages predominate. There are about 75% of the members of Grace Church that are married, which means, if you do the math, I think I’ve got this right, 25% of…
How to Practice Christian Marriage
Ephesians 4:17-32 We want to talk about practicing Christian marriage this morning. So, open your Bibles to Ephesians chapter 4, Ephesians chapter 4. This is a, a foundational text on the doctrine of repentance, and repentance is the real secret in the practice of marriage. You’re going to have plenty of opportunity for repentance in marriage but repentance if you set your mind on repentance and realize that all of life really, in the Christian life, all of life is…
Christian Marriage in Real Life
1 Peter 3:1-7 Today we’re going to be in 1 Peter 3, but before we go there, I want to return briefly to Ephesians, chapter 5 and verse 33. Ephesians 5:33, this is Paul’s conclusion to the instruction on the biblical roles of the husband and wife, which we covered last couple weeks. In Ephesians 5:32, speaks of the unveiling of the mystery of marriage. We talked about that. “This mystery is profound,” Paul says. It’s the mystery of a…
Marriage Glorifies God’s Redemption, Part 2
Ephesians 5:25-33 We are going back to Ephesians Chapter 5 this morning to finish the sermon that I started preaching last week. If you’re new to Grace Church, just want to let you know that usually we are working our way verse by verse through a book of the Bible. We have taken a break to do this series on marriage, taken a break from our exposition of Luke’s Gospel, working through a series on marriage. We’re about halfway through…