Teaching by Josh Oedy (Page 9)
How Death is Gain
Philippians 1:21-23 What a joy it is to be back with you again today in this book. It’s been a while, so we are going to spend the first couple of moments reminding ourselves of what Paul has been saying to us in the previous verses. Of course the best way to remind us of that is by reading some of these verses. Let’s read together the end of verse 18 through 26 in Chapter 1 and remind ourselves a…
The Confidence that Leads to Joy
Philippians 1:18-21 It is a tremendous joy to be back in the Book of Philippians. I really enjoyed studying this week and looking at this passage and thinking through this passage. As we mentioned before, this book is often referred to as the “Epistle of Joy” because terms like “joy” and “rejoice” are found comparatively much more often in this book—16 times in four chapters—than they are in any other book. But it is also the Epistle of Joy…
Mixed Motives behind Providential Proclamation
Philippians 1:15-18 I am so grateful again today to be in Philippians Chapter 1 to continue from last week. If you remember, last week we talked about the unbelievable reality that wherever God has you is where he wants you in order to be carrying out the work of evangelism and discipleship he has for you—that you are to be serving with all your heart no matter where you are, realizing he has currently and strategically placed you in the…
The Surprising Path of Gospel Progress
Philippians 1:12-14 We are back in the Book of Philippians today. In the month of October, we went together through the first eleven verses in the Book of Philippians, which was enriching for me, if nothing else. Hopefully, you got something out of it also. But through the first eleven verses of this letter we saw this exemplary, amazing love and concern Paul has for the church at Philippi. But in addition to that, there is also an understanding throughout…
The Prayer that Love for the Church Demands
Philippians 1:9-11 In the last few weeks, we have been looking at this incredible opening to the book of Philippians. In the last two weeks, in verses 3 through 8, we have seen the amazing way in which Paul truly loves the Christians in Philippi. In fact, let’s read those verses together again. *I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your…
The Foundation of Love for the Church
Philippians 1:7-8 Last week we looked at verses 3 through 6 of Philippians Chapter 1. In those verses, we saw the amazing, the unbelievable love that Paul has for all of the believers in the church at Philippi. We talked about the fact we live in this culture that is constantly trying to get us to focus on ourselves and to think about ourselves, and we even demonstrated how this is also the focus of much of what we see…
Love for the Church
Philippians 1:3-6 Turn in your Bibles to Philippians Chapter 1, if you’re not there already. Last week we began our study of the Book of Philippians by looking at Paul’s salutation and greeting and what we found were three ways that we need to be thinking about our identity—as first, slaves of Christ; second, saints in Christ; and third, as members of the body of Christ through our connection to a local church. It was evident that Paul wanted them…
Introduction to Philippians: Foundation for Joy
Philippians 1:1-2 Today, we are going to begin what I think should be an important time in our church as we begin to take the time between the sections of Luke as Travis teaches through them, to look at Paul’s letter to the Philippians. So, what’s going to happen is whenever Travis is up here, he’s going to be continuing through exposition of Luke to help us better understand the foundation and essential truths from the person and work of…