1 Corinthians 15:20-28 Last weekend, it was a wonderful weekend for celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Every year, we proclaim the resurrection on Easter Sunday, and because we know that people visit our church who may not know Jesus Christ personally, we like to use that opportunity every year to make sure they get a very clear gospel presentation. That’s what I endeavored to do last week. And I have to admit that I have mixed emotions about that.…
Acts 13:23-41 When all our praise is directed to our God, the Living God who saves us, who called us to a holy calling and who is alone worthy of all of our glory and honor and praise. Among all of his manifold mercies, our God sent Jesus Christ to live and to die, and to rise again in order to save us from our sins. Somebody asked me what I planned to preach for resurrection Sunday. We’ve been working…
Luke 6:16-19 The last of the Apostles that we covered just last week was Judas Iscariot. Judas Iscariot, many of you know, he is the one who betrayed Jesus Christ. He delivered him over to the sinful, religious authorities of the day so that they could try him and put him to death. Because of his notorious treachery, Judas Iscariot has gone down in history as the most infamous of all betrayers in all of human history. He basically set…