The Gospel of Luke (Page 24)

The Gospel of Luke (Page 24)

Jesus Gets to Work

Luke 4:14-15 We have finished a long section on Jesus’ origins, kinda the story of where he came from and what qualifies him, that began with Luke 1:5, there after the prologue, ended with last week’s sermon in Luke 4:13. Luke’s Gospel, as we’ve seen, provides the most in-depth treatment of Jesus’ beginnings as Luke prepares his readers to meet the Savior and to see the significance of his ministry. We see, we saw in that section that we studied,…

Love Never Puts God to the Test

Luke 4:9-13 By the virtue the two natures one divine, one human joined together, mysteriously in this one person. Jesus is proving to be the impeccable man. That is, a man who does not sin, will not sin, because of his divine nature, not able to sin.   When tested, as we see here, these three times and tested, I think more than that as well. Also, as we’ll see tested throughout his life and ministry, he did not sin. Instead,…

Loyal to God Alone

Luke 4:5-8   We should never doubt God’s care and concern.  He takes care of the most insignificant of the creatures.  How much more will he care for us?  But the devil tempted Jesus, nonetheless, to turn from faith in God and to turn to himself to provide for himself.  Jesus answered there, confirming God’s intent to provide for all of our needs.  He said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone.’”   The clear implication from the…

Not by Bread Alone

Luke 4:1-4 Starting in Luke 4:1, and we’ll read all the way through verse 13.  “And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led up by the Spirit in the wilderness for forty days, being tempted by the devil.  And he ate nothing during those days.  And when they were ended, he was hungry.  The devil said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.’   And Jesus answered him,…

The Devil’s Temptation of Jesus

Luke 4:1-2 So here in Luke’s gospel, fourth chapter, let’s enter the passage together, just starting with reading the passage about the devil’s temptation of Jesus Christ. Says there in Luke chapter four, verse one. “And Jesus full of the Holy Spirit returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for 40 days, being tempted by the devil, and he ate nothing during those days, when they were ended, he was hungry. The devil said…

The Lineage of the Last Adam

Luke 3:23-38   One of the joys of expository preaching is that you get to be exposed to all different portions of Scripture.  Not many preachers would on their own choose to preach through genealogies, but expository preaching is a method of preaching that requires you to move verse by verse, passage by passage through the Scripture.  So, I’m forced to do this, but gratefully so.  I am very much encouraged by this passage and I hope you are as…

The Covenantal Divide: The Anointing of Jesus

Luke 3:21-22   Jesus’ baptism was the context of his anointing by God for the unique role and the special ministry as Israel’s Messiah.  I just want to start by reading these two verses.  You know we talked about this last week, and we’re going to finish it up here today.  We’re going to start by reading those verses, and then I’ll make a few comments just by way of review.  It says in Luke 3:21: Now when all the…

The Covenantal Divide: The Baptism of Jesus

Luke 3:21-22 These are monumentally important verses.  These two verses here really represent a high point in redemptive history.  This is a zenith that marks the division between the two covenants of the Bible.  It is a very, very important text.  This is what you might call a watershed text.  I’m calling these two verses, Luke 3:21 to 22, the “Covenantal Divide.”  This week, we’re going to consider the role of Jesus’ baptism in that divide, and next week we’re…

Reacting to Words of Warning

Luke 3:15-20 Women are learners, they’re students of Scripture, and Luke acknowledges that all the way through the Gospel.  Christ acknowledges that in his ministry to women directly.  But our passage today has nothing to do with women.  It’s got to do with people.  So if you are “a people,” it has to do with you.  We’re going to go back to our study of Luke’s Gospel.  I’m actually going to start in John chapter 10.  If you turn to…

How to Preach Repentance, Part 3

Luke 3:10-14 This is really the fifth message in a, in this series. So we’ll start back where we started a few weeks back in Chapter 3, verse 1. Follow along as I read Luke 3:1 and following. “In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip tetrarch of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias, the tetrarch of Abilene, during the…