The Gospel of Luke (Page 18)
The Telltale Sign of Sinner and Saint
Luke 7:44-50 Luke 7, verse 36 to the end of the chapter. And as you’re turning there, I’d like to ask you a question, and I hope that by what has already been evidently a theme in our service already this morning, I hope you’re set up for the answer. Here’s the question: What do you think is the defining mark of being a Christian? What do you think is the defining mark of being a Christian? We’re not talking…
Jesus Loves the Pharisee Too
Luke 7:39-43 I’d like to invite you to turn in your Bibles to Luke 7:36.In our continuing study of Luke’s Gospel, and as you’re turning there, I’m just going to remind you briefly of what we covered last week. I don’t want to repreach the sermon but do want to just kind of warm you up a bit, give you a little bit of a reminder. Jesus has here been invited to dinner by a Pharisee, one of those Pharisees,…
A Lesson in Worship from a Sinful Woman
Luke 7:36-38 It is our joy, my joy, to come back to our study in the Gospel of Luke. I am very excited and eager to get into the text this morning. So you want to turn over to Luke chapter 7 and verse 36. I’m gonna begin this morning in just a moment here by reading the text. This week, next week, maybe another week after that, I don’t we’ll see, but we’re gonna see in this passage, which…
Strong Encouragement for New Believers
Luke 7:18-35 In the good providence of God, we have a unique opportunity today. This Sunday, today is not just a Baptism Sunday, it’s not just a Right Hand of Fellowship Sunday, as we bring new members into our fellowship. But it’s also, as you can see before you, it’s a Communion Sunday. And God has granted us just a little time, maybe some unhurried moments that we can use to prepare ourselves to partake of the Lord’s Table together…
A Lesson in Discernment from Children at Play
Luke 7:31-35 As we get started this morning, I want to ask you to turn your Bibles to Luke Chapter 7. Luke Chapter 7. We intend this morning to finish up what’s been a lengthy section and a wonderful study of instruction from the Lord on the significance of the ministry of John the Baptist. If I could, kind of summarize, so we can get our arms around the significance of what we have learned so far in this section…
Winnowing the Heart
Luke 7:29-30 We are in Luke’s Gospel, and we are in an ex, expositional study, as you know. Started some time ago in Luke 1:1, and we have been moving through verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter through Luke’s Gospel. It’s been a rewarding study for our church to sort of rediscover together for ourselves the real story of Christianity. Every now and again it’s good for us to return to the source documents and learn from the Lord Jesus Christ himself, how he…
The Winnowing Begins
Luke 7:24-30 We’re in Luke’s gospel this morning. So you want to take your Bibles and turn there. We’re studying a section of Scripture in which Jesus is helping us understand the ministry of John the Baptist. So go ahead and turn to Luke 7. We’re going to start reading from verse 18. Luke 7:18. We’ll begin by reading the text. I’ll just remind you in our study last week, John the Baptist asked Jesus a question. He asked him,…
The Assurance of Things Hoped For
Luke 7:18-23 I want to invite you to turn to Luke chapter 7 if you’re not there already. We’re returning to Luke’s Gospel and looking at a short interaction that takes place between John the Baptist and Jesus the Messiah. It’s going to be there in Luke 7:18 to 23, and in this section of Luke 7 the ministry of John the Baptist is in focus, but what is really on display once again is the person and work of…
Greater Than a Great Prophet
Luke 7:16-19 Wanna ask you to open your Bibles to Luke 7. Luke chapter 7. We are moving from the opening two accounts, really dramatic opening accounts in which Jesus’ power was on display for us, and when he healed the centurion’s slave, and when he raised the widow’s son from the dead. We’re moving from those two accounts and transitioning into a larger section of Chapter 7, in which Jesus interacts with and teaches about John the Baptist. I…
The Perfect End to a Tragic Funeral
Luke 7:11-17