Reasons for Rejoicing
Reasons Jesus Rejoices, Part 3
Luke 10:21-24 Well, today we wrap up our study on reasons that Jesus rejoices, so we are going to return one more time to Luke 10:21-24. This is not just a wrap-up of this short study, but it’s wrapping up really a whole series on the joy of Jesus and his disciples. It started back in verse 17 when the Gospel messengers that Jesus sent out returned from their Gospel mission, as we saw. Jesus entered into their joy, he…
Reasons Jesus Rejoices, Part 2
Luke 10:21 Luke, chapter 10, continuing the study that we began last week of reasons that Jesus rejoices, we came out of 30 reasons to rejoice, and then we entered into reasons Jesus rejoices. So that’s Luke 10:21. And today is a study in Christology, a deep and high Christology, an understanding of the study of Christ and what the Scripture says the truth is about Christ. We’ve come really to a high-water mark here in Luke’s Gospel, a high-water…
Reasons Jesus Rejoices, Part 1
Luke 10:21 Turn in your Bibles, please, to Luke chapter 10. We are I hope as you can see from the music that Dr. Merry chose, and what we’ve been singing, and the scriptures that have been chosen this morning, that we are preparing your minds and hearts to wade into some deep, deep waters this morning in Luke chapter 10. It has been a joy for me to anticipate this section of Scripture, and now that it’s arrived, I…
Reasons We Rejoice, Part 2
Luke 10:19-20 In the tenth chapter of Luke, that’s where we are. Just to bring us up to speed, the seventy-two disciples have returned from the mission Jesus sent them out to accomplish, going before him two-by-two into all the, cities, villages and towns where he himself was about to go in Judea and Perea. And they have now successfully completed the assignment that Jesus gave them to do, and now, filled with joy, they’ve returned, and they are excited…
Reasons We Rejoice, Part 1
Luke 10:17-18 Luke 10:17, and we’re getting into another section, here, which is a very joyful section of this tenth chapter. Jesus appointed seventy-two disciples, as we’ve been studying. He sent them ahead of him two-by-two into every town and place where he himself was about to go, and you need to realize that that was not the first time that they’d been with Jesus. He’d been training them for many months—probably a year or more—throughout Galilee; and here in…