Miscellaneous Messages (Page 3)
Paul’s Portrait of Miserable Mankind
Romans 3:9-20 Today and next week we’re gonna be in Romans chapter 3. So if you’re not there already, please turn there in, in, your Bibles. And my prayer, as we look at these verses the next couple weeks, my prayer is that we would have just a reinvigorated, a renewed appreciation for the salvation provided for us in Jesus Christ. Just to like in that song we just sang, highlighting our sinfulness in contrast to what our Savior has…
The Fullness of God’s Grace
John 1:14-18 Well, Merry Christmas everyone. It’s really good to see all your smiling faces, all dressed up in your Christmas best this morning. It’s such a joy to be together on this day as we anticipate Christmas celebrations tomorrow, enjoying that time with family and friends or neighbors and whoever the Lord brings to your table, and hope that what we talk about today will be filled with depth of meaning and understanding about what Christmas really means. Certainly,…
The Vital Habits of the Local Church
Ephesians 4:11-16 50 years of grace. That’s a remarkable milestone for, for, any people in any church. And, certainly, God has shown his kindness to this church, which we’re going to be able to celebrate more tonight. It was nine years ago when I first came to Grace Church. The people would ask me this question. ‘What is your vision for the church?’ Vision at that time was a, a, buzzword in evangelical circles. There were pastors of vision, pastors…
God with Esther
Esther 2-8
How Christians Should Think About Israel
Selected Scriptures
God’s Word: Its Ministry and Excellency as Applied to the Believer in Contrast to the Virtual World
Psalm 19:7-14 If you missed last week, we started into Psalm 19. And we looked at the first 6 verses of that psalm, which talked about general revelation: the created world, its nature, its effects, and how we can apply that. And today we’re gonna finish up this psalm talking about special revelation, the revealed Word of God, and the right response that we should have to it. So if you’re not already there, turn with me to Psalm 19,…
God’s World: Its Nature and Effects as Applied to the Believer in Contrast to the Virtual World
Psalm 19:1-6 If you would turn with me in your Bibles for our message this morning to Psalm 19, and as you turn to Psalm 19, I was directed to this passage in the Lord’s good Providence as I recently read a book called, “12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You” by Tony Reinke. And if you ran into me during the conference in the conference bookstore, you probably heard me tell you that if you were going to buy…
The Serious Effects of Not Having Love
1 Corinthians 13:1-3
God’s High Calling for Women
Selected Scriptures
The God Who Is There
Acts 17:24-34