Miscellaneous Messages (Page 2)

Miscellaneous Messages (Page 2)

Let Us Run to Jesus, Part 2

Hebrews 12:1-3 Last week we started a two-part message out of Hebrews chapter 12, which I entitled Let us run to Jesus. Let us run to Jesus. And if you would turn in your Bibles back there to Hebrews chapter 12. And by way of introduction this morning, I just want to maybe take a snapshot from the book The Pilgrim’s Progress. Many of you may be familiar with that, some of you may be less familiar, but The Pilgrim’s…

Let Us Run to Jesus, Part 1

Hebrews 12:1-3 Turn with me this morning to Hebrews chapter 12, back to where we left off. I want to begin this morning with an anecdote from history just to set the, the stage for Hebrews chapter 12. In 490 BC, the intense conflict between the Greek world and the ruling Persian Empire resulted in the Battle of Marathon, Greece, where we get the name for marathon races today. The Persians were coming to attack Athens, which was a source…

Combat Prayer

Ephesians 6:18-20  Our topic for today is prayer, and it’s not just about prayer, but about the essential role of prayer in spiritual warfare. I’m following up on last week’s sermon on the full armor of God. As I mentioned at the end of our time last week, I wanted to do a focused time on prayer this morning because if we make no progress in our praying, we will make no progress in our fighting, either. Prayer is what…

The Real War and How to Fight It

Ephesians 6:10-20 It’ll come to as no surprise to any of you when I say that we are living in some contentious times. Wars, battles, fights and talk of the same, it’s, it’s common, isn’t it? It’s constant in the culture. It’s like white noise. It’s become so constant: wars, battles, and fights all the time. We’ve actually got actual wars, they’re in the news and headlines all the time, kinetic and violent, like Israel and Hamas, Russia and Ukraine.…

Blessed are Those Who Bless Yahweh

Psalm 144   Today we are going to be in Psalm 144, if you would like to turn there in your Bibles, now. I thought I would do something complementary to what Josh has been going through in James, and I don’t know about you, but I’ve been pretty convicted the last few weeks. A with a great concern for being careful about the words that come out of my mouth. A James the book in and of itself, James kind…

Implications of the Resurrection

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 My name is Josh Oedy. I’m one of the pastors here at Grace Church, and it is my joy and really a special privilege for me to be able to open the Word with you on this Resurrection Sunday. This is the day that Christians gather together in churches around the world, and we give special attention to the most significant event in the history of the world, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. On Friday night we…

The Goodness of Good Friday

Isaiah 53 It is my joy and ah pleasure to open the word of God with all of you this evening for our Good Friday service. And tonight I wanted to speak to something that Josh already mentioned. And there’s something that I hear this time of, of year, whether it’s a meme floating around or even Christians saying it. But every year you hear the question, why do we call this day Good Friday? Why do we call Good…

A Life to Be Envied

Psalm 1 As we come to God’s Word this morning, I’d like to look at the first Psalm of the psalter, Psalm 1. Psalm 1 is kind of been on my heart lately and I want to work through this Psalm with you. And so Psalm, I believe, of David, it is not given an ascription of authorship in the Psalm. But Psalm 1 and 2 really do go together and Psalm 2 is referred to as the Psalm of…

The Meekness of Christ

Selected Scriptures From time to time in our study of Luke’s Gospel, I like to pause and reflect on a theme, a theme that’s coming up in our, in our study. And since I was invited recently to a conference, and since that conference theme was, “Remember Jesus Christ,” I thought this would be a fitting time to reflect on a theme in Luke’s Gospel. And I knew that I could practice out there, make all my mistakes, and then…

God’s Grace to Miserable Mankind

Romans 3:21-26 It is wonderful to be back again this morning with you all. Last week we would begin two-part miniseries looking at the sinfulness of man and the righteousness of God. This morning is what we’ll get to out of Romans chapter 3. So, if you’re not there, go ahead and turn with me to Romans chapter 3. And last week, we looked at verses 9 to 20, which was Paul’s picture of miserable mankind.  And Paul painted a…