Joyful Life in the Local Church

Joyful Life in the Local Church

An Atmosphere of Truth, Part 2

Ephesians 5:19-21 We’ve come to the end of what’s turned out to be a three-month series on membership and involvement in the local church. I didn’t start out intending a three-month series; I started out intending a one-month series. But now you know me, okay? That’s the way I go. But we’re going to wrap up the series this morning. Next week we’re going to get back into the Gospel of Luke. We’ve been away from Luke’s Gospel for a…

An Atmosphere of Truth, Pt. 1

Ephesians 5:18 I don’t expect you to remember the question I asked a couple of weeks ago at the end of the sermon. That was ages ago, right? But just as a reminder, we finished a short little study of the one another commands in the New Testament as part of our larger series on local church membership and involvement which unexpectedly has turned into a three-months series. We’re going to end that next week. We’ll bring it to an…

Life in the Local Church, Part 3

Selected Scriptures We’ve been in a study of the church and that’s extended beyond May, beyond June and into July.  We are coming to the end of that study very soon, but we’re taking the time that’s necessary to really learn what the Bible teaches about our involvement here in the local church.  Church is the fundamental institution that is vital to every Christian’s sanctification.  It’s vital.  We learned that the church’s purpose is to be a pillar and support…

Life in the Local Church, Part 2

Selected Scriptures We want to continue going through what we started last week, looking at the “one anothers” of the New Testament. We’re taking a break from our series in the Gospel of Luke, our exposition of that wonderful Gospel, so that we can look at the “one anothers” of the New Testament. And by “one anothers,” we’re referring to those reciprocal commands that promote the body life of the local church, commands like “Love one another,” or “Clothes yourselves…

Life in the Local Church, Part 1

Selected Scriptures We’re talking today about life in the local church. We’ve been in a series for some time talking about this, taking a break from our normal study of the Gospel of Luke. But last week we set a foundation for this Sunday and next by looking at Paul’s teaching on the doctrine of the church. We’ve briefly looked at two passages: Ephesians 4:1-16. We looked through that, introducing the topic; and then we ended in 1 Corinthians 12:1-27.…

Unity Through Diversity

1 Corinthians 12:1-27 Well, we’ve been going through this series on membership and involvement in the local church, and we’ve extended the series just a bit because we want to make sure that we get a good grasp of what God is saying to us through his Word on this very important and extremely practical subject. Just by way of review, I want to get a running start at this just to remind you where we’ve been. We began this…

Recovering the Priority of the Local Church

Selected Scriptures We’re continuing our series that we’re calling “Support Your Local Church.”  I’ve been encouraged by the elders to extend this series a bit, so I have done that.  I’m going to expand it just somewhat.  We’re going to keep going on the series.  I was going to cut it off in May, but we’re going to go into the month of June and we’ll come back to Luke’s Gospel after that.  What I want to do this morning…