Christmas Messages

Christmas Messages

The Beauty of God in Christ

Philippians 2:6-11 Please turn in your Bibles to Philippians, second chapter, Philippians chapter 2, which is a most fitting passage for this Christmas season to reflect on the glory of God in Christ. I suppose it’s no secret to say that I am a sucker for all the sappy, sentimental trappings of the season. Don’t laugh too hard on that. But gaudy Christmas sweaters? You guys know I love them, Santa hats, curling up with a cup of cocoa in…

Joy and the Christian Mind

Philippians 2:1-8 We have officially entered into the holiday season, the Christmas season, and we are so eager to embrace the spirit of the season, which is a spirit of joy and gratitude in Christ our Savior, and to think about the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And we celebrate our faith in him that’s given to us as a gift of his grace. I have had the epistle of the Philippians in my mind and on…

Holiness for the Holidays

1 Samuel 1:1-18 As the holidays are fast approaching, my think Lowe’s has had their Christmas stuff out since August now. But the, the holidays are upon us now again already. My kids, they decorated our basement with Christmas stuff last week. The students they wanted to decorate down in the, the big room down in the student center last week. Thanksgiving is only 11 days away now. Christmas is coming and with the holidays approaching, I thought it would…

The Fullness of God’s Grace

John 1:14-18 Well, Merry Christmas everyone. It’s really good to see all your smiling faces, all dressed up in your Christmas best this morning. It’s such a joy to be together on this day as we anticipate Christmas celebrations tomorrow, enjoying that time with family and friends or neighbors and whoever the Lord brings to your table, and hope that what we talk about today will be filled with depth of meaning and understanding about what Christmas really means. Certainly,…

Finding Hope in the Christmas Story

Luke 2:1-7 The story of Christ’s birth is so special and so meaningful, and especially, I would say at, in this particular Christmas season, which has seemed, I think, coming out of this year, so bleak and difficult. I don’t need to rehearse to all of you what you know about this difficult year. It’s enough to say, though, that many people feel like they’re limping toward Christmas. I just want to express to those may, who may be watching…

The Fullness of God in Him

Colossians 1:15-20 The Bible clearly represents the birth of Jesus Christ as a momentous event, one of unparalleled importance of cosmic even significance as we see the angels break through the heavens. So important was the birth of this baby that on the night that he was born an angelic host opened up the sky in the night. They violated the barrier that separates the immaterial world from the material world. They shone glory down upon a group of lowly…

Why Angels Rejoice

Luke 2:8-14 The shepherds visit to baby Jesus, just within hours of his birth, you might turn there in your bibles, if you have your bibles with you to Luke chapter 2 verses 8-14, just to see this for yourself. That account features the announcement of this heavenly visitor, a holy angel who came to say, I bring you good news. Good news. That’s a single verb in the language there. It’s translated here in our text using four words,…
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