Selected Scriptures We are in a final message on the short series on shepherding and it’s just a, just given the briefest outline on the chief duties of pastoral ministry. And as I’ve said to you before, I’m kind of teaching my own job description to you to show you from God’s Word what pastors are responsible to do. This is job description for pastors, elders, shepherds, overseers, bishops, if you want to use that word, that’s the word for…
Selected Scriptures Well, we return to this topical series on shepherding, as I said, part 2 of what we started last week on the Shepherd’s Exhortation. And if you were here with us last week, you know that we were a few layers deep in sub-sub-points. So I can’t exactly dive in right where I left off without confusing some people who may have not been here last week. So I want to give just at least a little bit…
Selected Scriptures Well, we have the joy, the privilege of returning today to a short topical series that we’re doing on shepherding as we look to launch our fall shepherding plan that we’ve talked to you about over the past number of months, and I don’t know how long it’s been. We started introducing some of that, but we look forward to getting to shepherd you better, more faithfully according to God’s Word, and by God’s grace and with your…
Selected Scriptures Rather than jumping back into Lukes’ Gospel and our study of Lukes’ Gospel, we’re going to do, as I mentioned, a short series on shepherding, series on pastoral ministry. This is going to be more of a topical than an expositional series, just a three-week series. I trust it will be faithful to the exegesis of Scripture and the doctrine of Scripture. But over the next three weeks, what I would like to do is speak to you…
Selected Scriptures From time to time in our study of Luke’s Gospel, I like to pause and reflect on a theme, a theme that’s coming up in our, in our study. And since I was invited recently to a conference, and since that conference theme was, “Remember Jesus Christ,” I thought this would be a fitting time to reflect on a theme in Luke’s Gospel. And I knew that I could practice out there, make all my mistakes, and then…
Selected Scriptures Before we come to the Lord’s table tonight, I’d like to take a few minutes to reflect on the power of the cross that we have just sung about, the power of the cross that has saved us from eternal death and hell, separation from God, and think about the abiding power of the cross for us as believers. I realize that on a night like this, on a weekend like this, Good Friday and then Easter Sunday…
Luke 16:19-31 We have the joy, the privilege of returning to the Gospel of Luke once again. I have missed it for sure, and I trust that you have, too. So turn in your Bibles to Luke 16 and the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. It was a really unique parable among all of Jesus’ parables.It’s one of Jesus’ longest. It’s the most story-like of all his parables. It’s full of rich and vivid detail. And it’s because…
Selected Scriptures We are taking a break, as I mentioned, from our exposition of Luke’s Gospel, to address an important matter and a timely matter. End of last year, a bill in Canada has added a ban on conversion therapy to its Criminal Code. The bill in Canada is called Bill C4, and it not only rejects what the Bible teaches about sexuality, it threatens penalties for encouraging people to listen to what the Bible says, and to be helped…