Teaching on Philippians

Teaching on Philippians

To thank the Philippians for their gift to Paul and to explain his present
circumstances while in prison in Rome, all the while exhorting the congregation to joyful pursuit of Christ despite the threats of persecution, pride and ambition, false teachers, and material need.

The Beauty of God in Christ

Philippians 2:6-11 Please turn in your Bibles to Philippians, second chapter, Philippians chapter 2, which is a most fitting passage for this Christmas season to reflect on the glory of God in Christ. I suppose it’s no secret to say that I am a sucker for all the sappy, sentimental trappings of the season. Don’t laugh too hard on that. But gaudy Christmas sweaters? You guys know I love them, Santa hats, curling up with a cup of cocoa in…

Joy and the Christian Mind

Philippians 2:1-8 We have officially entered into the holiday season, the Christmas season, and we are so eager to embrace the spirit of the season, which is a spirit of joy and gratitude in Christ our Savior, and to think about the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And we celebrate our faith in him that’s given to us as a gift of his grace. I have had the epistle of the Philippians in my mind and on…