Teaching on Luke (Page 6)
To present Jesus as the answer to the needs and hopes of the human race. Addressed to a high-ranking Gentile official, Theophilus, the Gospel is intended to give certainty in the historical person of Jesus, who is called the “Son of Man” 26 times. The Gospel also serves as “Part 1” of a two-part history of the Christian faith written to the same individual, with the book of Acts serving as “Part 2.”
Let the Children Come
Luke 18:15-17 I would like to invite you to turn again in your Bibles to Luke Chapter 18 for this, what we’re going to see is such a precious insight into the tender ways of our Lord Jesus Christ. And as we see, as per usual, there is a lot beneath the surface of what seems to be such a simple account of parents bringing their children to Jesus. Uh, Some very profound theology here. It’s the theology, once again,…
The Publican Who Humbled Himself
Luke 18:13-14 Well, we are in Luke 18 this morning, verses 9-14, the parable that Jesus told about two men who went up to the temple to pray. Jesus chose two very stereotypical characters as main characters in this story, and these two characters are at extreme ends of the social scale, and they illustrate, on the one hand, the damning power of pride which prevents all men from coming to God; and by contrast, Jesus shows the character of…
The Pharisee Who Exalted Himself
Luke 18:9-12 Well, I invite you to turn in your Bibles to Luke 18, as we look to some very, very important instruction from our Lord. It’s hard to overstate the importance of the section that we’re getting into here in Luke 18, words do fail me to emphasize it. I’m stuck with my own meager gifts and my own understanding of the English language to try to explain this to you, but I really do want you to get.…
The Theology of Persistent Prayer
Luke 18:6-8 You can turn back to Luke 18 in your Bibles, and we will finish what we started last week and see what our Lord wants us to learn from the parable of the widow who prevailed against an unjust judge. We know what this parable is about because Luke told us in Luke 18:1 that Jesus told the parable “that we ought to always pray and not lose heart,” mindful of our Lord’s imminent return, whether it’s for…
The Widow Who Beat the Judge
Luke 18:1-5 Well, we are just speeding our way along through the Gospel of Luke aren’t we? Already to chapter 18? So you can turn there to Luke 18 this morning and we’re gonna look at a crucial, crucial concern that comes out of Jesus’ teaching on eschatology. We are turning the page into another chapter, entering into Chapter 18. But you need to know that this is still the same occasion and we are still in a section on…
The Nature of Coming Judgment
Luke 17:34-37 All right, you can open your Bibles to Luke 17. For one more look at this amazing chapter, Luke 17. And last week, we unpacked Jesus’ warning, “remember Lot’s wife.” We saw that situation of judgment, from basically the human vantage point, from a ground level perspective. And this section that we’re covering today, and really what Jesus set us up for last week, is about the judgment of God. And even rem, in remembering Lot’s wife, we…
The Tragedy of the Almost Saved
Luke 17:31-33 You can open your Bibles to Luke 17 for a what really is a sobering portion. It’s an amazing chapter. The whole chapter has really been sobering. But this portion in particular really draws a bead on us and our hearts, our thinking, our behavior. Jesus, in this section we’re gonna cover today and next week as well, is gonna, he would have us to apply, actually live out what we’ve been learning. So, you can find your…
Ready When Christ Returns
Luke 17:26-30 Turn to Luke 17 in your Bibles as we continue in our expositional study of the Gospel of Luke. We’ve had two sermons so far in this text and covering verses 20-25, two sermons on that, and as we begin, we will read those verses again just to remind ourselves of what we have already covered. Luke 17:20 says this, “Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he,” Jesus, “answered them, ‘The kingdom…
How We Wait for Christ’s Return
Luke 17:22-25 We are returning to the 17th chapter of Luke this morning, an amazing, amazing section on the coming of the kingdom and the coming of the Son of Man. And this is really Luke’s introduction to the end times. There is more coming in Luke 21, which is the Olivet Discourse and that parallels Matthew 24 and 25 and then Mark 13, as well. So, this is really just the beginning of Luke and eschatology or the eschatology…
Thy Kingdom Come
Luke 17:20-21 Well, as we return to our exposition of Luke’s gospel, you can take your Bibles and turn to Luke 17 and verse 20, which takes us into the blessed subject of eschatology, eschatology. Eschatology is, it’s the Greek word eschatos, which means “last” or “final,” and so eschatology is the study of last or final things. God has given us, and, in the calendar a decent run, here, of Sundays that we can tackle the rest of Luke…