Teaching on Luke (Page 5)

Teaching on Luke (Page 5)

To present Jesus as the answer to the needs and hopes of the human race. Addressed to a high-ranking Gentile official, Theophilus, the Gospel is intended to give certainty in the historical person of Jesus, who is called the “Son of Man” 26 times. The Gospel also serves as “Part 1” of a two-part history of the Christian faith written to the same individual, with the book of Acts serving as “Part 2.”

When the King Returns, Part 2

Luke 19:15-19 We’re back in Luke 19 this morning and so I would like to invite you to open your bibles to Luke 19 and the parable that we’ve been looking at that starts in verse 11 of Luke 19. This is part 2 of a 3-part look at this fascinating study of stewardship through the lens of the parable of the minas. Stewardship is a common, common theme in Jesus’ teaching. And in particular all through the travel section…

When the King Returns, Part 1

Luke 19:11-14 I’d like to invite you to turn your Bibles to Luke 19 this morning. This is a very important text of Scripture and a very pivotal time in our Lord’s ministry. And I’d like to add this could be a very pivotal time, pivotal portion of Scripture for our own church as well. We’re looking at Luke 19, verses 11 and following. And as I mentioned a few moments earlier, on our church’s calendar we have just come…

Jesus Came to Seek and Save the Lost

Luke 19:10  Well, as we come to God’s word this morning and consider the significance of the resurrection for us today, I want to direct your attention to a single verse in Luke’s Gospel, which is Luke 19:10. Luke 19:10. You can turn there in your Bibles. And Luke 19:10 says, “The Son of man came to seek and to save the lost.”If you’re visiting here to Grace Church, we’re so glad you’ve joined us on this Easter Sunday, this…

The Evidence of True Conversion

Luke 19:7-10 Well, I want to ask you to turn to Luke’s Gospel this morning as we take another look at Zacchaeus and Jesus. It’s a story of salvation, and it’s a story of the salvation of one of the most loathed kinds of sinners that there were in the first century world: the tax collectors. In that song we just sang, talked about the grace of God, “Once your enemy, now seated at your table.” And here we’re going…

Jesus Seeks Lost Sinners

Luke 19:1-6   Well, I’d like to invite you to turn in your Bibles to Luke 19, Luke 19. Little hooray for getting into a yet another chapter of Luke’s Gospel. They seem to come slowly to us, don’t they? But Luke 19 in verse 1, and this is the account of a lost sinner who sought the Savior. It’s also the account of the Savior who came to seek a lost sinner. Zacchaeus, the lost sinner, he wanted to see…

The Blind Man Sees

Luke 18:35-43 Well, as we come to Luke’s Gospel this morning, you can turn your Bibles to the end of Luke 18, Luke 18, and verse 35, Luke 18:35. And this is Jesus’ encounter with a blind man near Jericho. It might interest you to know that this is the first place in this Gospel, also the only place in this Gospel where Luke provides a narrative account of Jesus healing a blind man. Jesus had said back in Luke…

The Secret of Endurance

Luke 18:31-34 Well, as we return to our study in the Gospel of Luke, we come to a, a text that is particularly fitting for this morning, as we anticipate the celebration of the Lord’s table together this afternoon. Looking forward to that service for a long time. So take your, your Bibles in hand, turn to Luke 18. Find your way to the next section in Luke 18, verses 31-34, which is the third formal prediction of Christ’s suffering,…

The Christian’s Assurance

Luke 18:24-30 Well, we are back in Luke 18. One final look at this section that began with a question, as we’ve seen, from a rich young ruler, Luke Chapter 18 and verse 18 and following. That’s where you’ll find us in the text. We see that the rich young ruler in verse 18 came to Jesus with a, a question. We’ve said that he comes in sincerity. He comes with a sincere question and  It’s a good question. And…

The Rich Young Ruler, Part 2

Luke 18:22-23 Well, you can turn in your Bibles to Luke 18 as we continue Jesus’ encounter with the rich young ruler, the rich young ruler and Jesus. Last week I introduced the sermon with a question for you to think about, and it was a question that caused you to reflect on your personal evangelism. And I’d like to do something similar this morning and ask you to consider another question. This time, not so much doing, dealing with…

The Rich Young Ruler, Part 1

Luke 18:18-21 Well, we are back in Luke’s gospel this morning, and we’re looking at Luke 18, verse 18. So if you’re not there already, I invite you to turn back to Luke 18:18, and this is Jesus’ encounter with the rich young ruler. And as you turn to Luke 18:18, I’d like you to think about how you would answer this question. If someone came up to you and said, “What should I do to inherit eternal life?”, what…