Teaching on Jonah
Jonah’s mission to the city of Nineveh, his resistance, his imprisonment in a great fish, his visit to the city, and the subsequent outcome.
Jonah’s Callous Heart Confronted
Jonah 4 If you would turn in your copy of the scriptures to Jonah and as we come to the end of the book of Jonah, we’re reminded of the beginning of the book. As we see Jonah at the end, he resembles much the same hard hearted, calloused man that he resembled at the beginning in chapter 1. When Yahweh initially commissioned Jonah in chapter 1 to go preach against Nineveh, Jonah fled in the other direction to go…
Yahweh’s Compassion Comes to Nineveh
Jonah 3 We are in the middle of a series on the book of Jonah, so if you want to turn there now in your Bibles you can. It’s been personally an encouraging study. It’s been encouraging us to compassion for the lost, even the most wicked and vile of people. It’s been an encouragement in the midst of trials, even discipline from the Lord to repent, to trust in the one who controls all things and is working all…
Jonah’s Prayer of Thanksgiving
Jonah 2 Well, welcome to Grace Church, for those of you who are new, you don’t know me, my name is Brett Hastings. I am like Bill, I’m a member here, but I’m also one of the elders who has the privilege of serving this church as the Lord’s under shepherd. Last month, we started into a the book of Jonah, we took a brief break to hear from Josh out of the book of James, and it was really…
Yahweh’s Relentless Mercy, Part 2
Jonah 1:7-17 For this morning, we are going to be back in the book of Jonah, if you want to make your way there in your copy of the scriptures. We’re gonna finish up chapter 1 of Jonah this morning. And so I just want to, at the front of this read chapter 1 again, have the context in our mind, the narrative in, in our minds before we get into the verses we’re gonna cover this morning. So Jonah…
Yahweh’s Relentless Mercy, Part 1
Jonah 1:4-6 Well, we’re going to be back in the book of Jonah if you want to make your way there in your bibles. And if you’re visiting today, I would like to welcome you to Grace Church. My name is Brett Hastings. I am one of the associate pastors, one of the elders here at Grace Church. As we get started this morning, I just want to read the first chapter of Jonah as we get started. So let’s…
Jonah’s Callous Heart
Jonah 1:1-3