10:30 am Sunday Worship
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO

Teaching on James (Page 2)

To emphasize to a Jewish audience in the Diaspora that saving faith is evidenced by tangible works of righteousness. It complements Paul’s emphasis on justification by faith alone by adding that such saving faith is never seen alone. It expresses itself through good works.

Rightly Practicing the Word

James 1:26-27 Well, so we’re gonna be in James chapter 1, the last two verses, verses 26 through 27, continuing in our study through the book of James. Today we come to the end of chapter 1. We’re in that final, the final section that I kinda laid out, the final, the kinda concluding section of verses 19 through 27. It’s a…

Rightly Responding to the Word

James 1:22-25 Turn in your Bibles to James 1, as we are almost through with the first chapter. Today we’re going to be looking specifically at one of the more famous portions of the entire book, verses 22-25. And as we have gone through this chapter, we’ve drawn attention to the various linking words and clever ways that James has linked verses…

Rightly Receiving the Word

James 1:19-21 If you would open your Bibles to the first chapter of the book of James, that’s where we’re going to be this morning. This week and next week really does flow well out of what, what Bret was talking about, the end of Psalm 19 last week. So it’ll be good for us. And in, in preparation, trying to get…