Introducing the Ephesians Study
Ephesians 4:1-6:24
Gospel Certainty for Gentile Sinners, Part 1
Luke 1:1-4 Now a reasonable question at this point is to ask is “Why?” Why launch into a long study on the Gospel of Luke? Why chew up all that time, spending all that time in the pulpit in one author’s writings? Won’t that cause us to become a bit out of balance? Whether or not you are asking questions like that or thinking things like that, I would like to provide some justification for why we’re venturing into a…
Gifts from the Conquering King
Ephesians 4:7-10
The Challenge of Christian Unity
Ephesians 3:4-6
The Foundational Virtue of Humility
So glad to be here this morning. Thank you Rod, Elders, Grace Church, you guys have just been fantastic. It’s, we’re just so excited to finally be with you. You know it’s only been a few short months since we actually thought that this might happen, be a reality. Yet it seems like it’s just been long and hard. Um, maybe it’s been the same feeling for you. I just want to take the first opportunity I had, which is…