Teaching (Page 84)

Teaching (Page 84)

An Old Symbol of Christmas Truth

Selected Scriptures Well on December 9th of this year, Colorado’s 9 News, had a little report about a billboard that attracted some attention in Colorado Springs, you may have heard about it.  9 News fanned the flames of controversy as they tend to do, as news reporters do, in an article that was on the 9 News website.  The article’s opening sentence said this, quote “Church goers in Colorado Springs are outraged over a sign with a controversial message.”    The…

Trusting God in the Christmas Story

Luke 1:1-2:20 I want to welcome you, again, to our service before the Christmas Day this week. Hopefully, you all are gonna enjoy family and friends this Christmas season. We certainly are. We’re looking forward to a great time together. We’ve enjoyed a wonderful season together, not just in the Christmas celebration this week, it’s just been a wonderful season at our church as well. So many good things going on. Everywhere we look, we’re seeing signs of life and…

The Shepherds’ Report

Luke 2:15-20 This morning we’re going to look at a very significant portion of Scripture to wrap up, basically, this scene that we have been looking at in the narrative of the birth of Jesus Christ. This is a portion of this narrative that has to do with the implications of the Christmas story for the life of every human being on planet earth, including people right here in Greeley. So, right here in Luke Chapter 2 and verse 15,…

Evangelism from Heaven

Luke 2:8-14 We’re continuing this fascinating study, the infancy narratives, which tell us the story about how God sent his Son, how the Son of God entered the world as a newborn baby, swaddled, laid in a manger. And as you’re turning there to Luke 2:8, let me just read a couple of verses from John’s gospel. Some of the themes flowing through the current of our text this morning, John highlights in his prologue: themes of light and glory…

Why the Bethlehem Shepherds?

Luke 2:1-20 Open your Bibles to Luke’s Gospel, and this morning we are going to continue the narrative that we started at verse 1 in Luke, Chapter 2. And that narrative that starts in verse 1 of Chapter 2, it goes all the way to verse 20. So, we’re going to begin this morning by reading that section. There is so much to see in this passage of Scripture. I am always amazed as I study God’s word to see…

The Marks of Christian Gratitude

Ephesians 5:20 For this morning, I just want to inform your Thanksgiving as you come before family, friends, however you are going to celebrate Thanksgiving, and give you some things to think about with regard to your reasons for gratitude, why we give thanks to God.  This week all through the country, we’re celebrating Thanksgiving and we’re happing to consider this subject from a biblical perspective, to get some clarity on the subject.  Probably no greater way to demonstrate our…

The Birth of Jesus Christ, Part 2

Luke 2:4-7 We are in Luke Chapter 2 this morning, so you can open your Bibles to Luke Chapter 2. Last week we entered into the nativity story, just breaking ground there, looking at the entrance of Jesus Christ into the world as a newborn baby. And that involved, I’ll admit, a bit of a history lesson. I had to take you back to the times of Caesar Augustus, back to the time of Quirinius as he was operating in…