Teaching (Page 72)

Teaching (Page 72)

Knowing the Incomprehensible God, Part 2

Travis: Well, last time we, we, were briefly discussing Bancroft’s proofs for God existent, God’s existence established by reason and revelation. We were talking about how what he wrote there compares with what we’ve talked about is the transcendental argument for God’s existence, he didn’t use that language, but we just noticed that language is there.  The proof of God’s existence is in the impossibility of the contrary, that is, without the existence of God, you can’t explain anything that…

The Twelve: Judas Iscariot

Luke 6:16 Perhaps you’ve never thought about it before, but it’s remarkable to note that our Lord intentionally and prayerfully, our Lord chose Judas Iscariot to be one of the twelve Apostles. And our Lord knew full well exactly what he was getting into with Judas. I want you to notice in Luke Chapter 6, verse 12, “In these days,” Jesus, “went up to the mountain to pray, all night he continued in prayer to God. When day came, he…

The Twelve: Lessons from the Lesser Knowns

Luke 6:12-16  Today, we’re going to talk about some of the lesser-known Apostles. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but we actually studied our study of the Apostles in the apostolic ministry back in January, end of January. Andwe just wanted, as we came in our study of Luke, we wanted to come to this portion here and pay special attention to this list of names that the Lord chose to be his Apostles because as we’ve pointed out, these…

The Twelve: The Sons of Thunder

Luke 6:12-16 Today we’re looking at the two sons of Zebedee, James and John. Those two brothers, James and John, they belong to that first group of Apostles, that, that inner circle, and that included two other brothers, Simon and Andrew. And as you might imagine, two sets of brothers knowing each other, knowing each other in Galilee and Capernaum, in fishing industry together, they were a pretty tight group. These three of these four, they were selected by Christ…

Knowing the Incomprehensible God, Part 1

Travis: All right, so last time we, we, ended by hearing some admonitions from A.W.Tozer, in the first chapter of his book, The Knowledge of the Holy, which is clearly titled, Why We Must Think Rightly About God. I love that; that title; that chapter. There are a couple of lines from that chapter that we read last time to close that I think are worth repeating. Here are some things, he said, “What comes into our minds when we…