Teaching (Page 69)

Teaching (Page 69)

Blessed Are the Poor

Luke 6:20  We are back in the Sermon on the Mount this morning in Luke’s account, so go ahead and turn there to Luke 6:20. We’re going to read that introductory portion again. As we’ve said, the Sermon on the Mount is the most widely known of all Jesus’ teachings. A very profound teaching, very searching, provoking in our hearts. Because of its significance, we’ve taken a couple of weeks to introduce it, but now we’re ready to take the…

The Attributes of God’s Greatness: God Unaffected

Last week we reviewed the doctrine of divine simplicity and that wrapped up the section on God is life giving spirit. And then we got into the doctrine of immutability, that God is an unchanging God. God is, you can look at your outline here and follow this; God is life-giving spirit. God is one.  You can see that Roman numeral one, letter A, number one and two, God is life giving Spirit. God is one. And then God is…