Teaching (Page 6)

Teaching (Page 6)

The Destruction of Jerusalem, Part 1

Luke 21:20-24 Well, turn in your Bibles to Luke 21, the Olivet Discourse. As we come to what is really a very sobering prediction of judgement on the Jewish people, the destruction of Jerusalem. At the same time, in this text, as we read about a sobering prediction of judgement on the Jews, we also think about what’s going on in our world now and how harried and pursued the Jews have been for all of history, all this time.…

God’s Plan for Persecution, Part 2

Luke 21:14-19 Luke 21, I have got a lot to cover this morning, so I’m going to violate all the principles of good homiletics, forego any introduction, so we can just get through the section that we started last week on persecution. I know you’ll forgive me for that violation of homiletics, because you’re Christians and you are prone to forgive. In the, in Olivet Discourse that we’re working our way through, in Luke 21, Jesus is answering, his, the…

God’s Plan for Persecution, Part 1

Luke 21:12-13 Well, we are back in Luke 21 today, and so you’ll want to turn in your Bibles to Luke 21, if you’re not already there. This fascinating teaching from our Lord on the End Times and in this section, that we’re gonna get into, or what we’ve been in really is our Lord speaking about events in history, and time, and really the future; that span, the time between his post resurrection, ascension into heaven, all the way…

Implications of the Resurrection

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 My name is Josh Oedy. I’m one of the pastors here at Grace Church, and it is my joy and really a special privilege for me to be able to open the Word with you on this Resurrection Sunday. This is the day that Christians gather together in churches around the world, and we give special attention to the most significant event in the history of the world, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. On Friday night we…

The Goodness of Good Friday

Isaiah 53 It is my joy and ah pleasure to open the word of God with all of you this evening for our Good Friday service. And tonight I wanted to speak to something that Josh already mentioned. And there’s something that I hear this time of, of year, whether it’s a meme floating around or even Christians saying it. But every year you hear the question, why do we call this day Good Friday? Why do we call Good…

The Beginning of Birth Pains, Part 3

Luke 21:9-11 Well, as we come back to our study of the Olivet Discourse, I’d ask you to turn into your Bibles to Luke, chapter 21, Luke 21. If you have been with us over the past couple of weeks, you know that we’ve been looking at this first section of Jesus’ answer to the disciples’ questions, questions that are put to him in Luke 21, verse 7. The disciples in verse 7 ask Jesus, “Teacher, when, therefore, will these…

The Beginning of Birth Pains, Part 2

Luke 21:8 You can turn in your Bibles to Luke 21, Jesus’ prophecy about the End Times and about his return to earth; the Second Coming. This prophecy comes in response, as we’ve seen, to a question from Jesus’ disciples. Jesus had predicted the divine judgment that would come upon the city of Jerusalem and its temple, Luke 21:5 and 6, which results in questions that his disciples asked, in verse 7, about the end. And so, from verses 8…

The Beginning of Birth Pains, Part 1

Luke 21:8 Well, we come back to our study in the Olivet Discourse. If you would open your Bibles to Luke 21, we’ll get right to it. I warned you last week that we would be doing some work. I’m going to follow through on that promise today. We are going to start with a bit of an introduction. It’ll be a longer introduction, so don’t be looking to jot down an outline point right away. But I’m going to…