Goodness in the School of Affliction
Psalm 119:65-72
Jesus and the Loveless Lawyer, Part 2
Luke 10:25-28 We’re in Luke chapter 10, verses 25-28, to continue what we were looking at last week. As we introduced this section last week, we learned that verses 25-28 are not merely a prelude or an introductory portion to lead us to the Good Samaritan story. But verses 25-28 are in and of themselves part one to a larger point, which is a warning about loveless religion. Many religious Jews sought to adhere to the letter of the law,…
When the Lord Is My Portion
Psalm 119:57-64
Jesus and the Loveless Lawyer, Part 1
Luke 10:25-28 It is a joy to return to Luke’s Gospel, to come to a new section and find yet another opportunity to see and to savor Jesus Christ. If you’re not there already—Luke chapter 10—we’re going to be starting in verse 25, where we will meet a certain lawyer, a man with so much going for him. And yet he was so, so far away. At the beginning of Luke 10, as we’ve studied—just want to give you a…
The Evidence of Power in God’s Promises
Psalm 119:49-56