Why They Reject Christ
Luke 11:14-16 I’d ask you to turn in your Bibles, there, to Luke 11 and verse 14, Luke 11:14. That starts a new section and starting today and for the foreseeable future, we’re going to see Jesus as he faces a significant season of controversy, as he responds to what really amounts to a blasphemy. A blasphemous charge against him, against his ministry, but really, more fundamentally, it’s a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. And then the subsequent rejection of…
Why You Should Come and Pray
Luke 11:5-13 Well, we have the joy of turning to Luke’s Gospel, again. This is our ongoing study of this profoundly rich teaching, in the life of our Lord. You can find your way to Luke chapter 11 and verse 5. Luke 11:5.One of the notable features about Luke’s Gospel is his emphasis throughout the gospel on prayer. He, more than any other of the gospel writers, Luke records various parables and teachings from our Lord that center on the…
The Lord’s Prayer, Part 2
Luke 11:4 You can grab your Bibles and open them to Luke 11, one to four and we will finish our study of the Lord’s Prayer, Lord willing. Last week we studied the first three petitions and we’re going to consider the, the, the final two for today. In Luke 11, 2-4, Jesus gave his disciples a pattern for prayer. Teaching them how to pray in response to the request of one of his disciples. And so, Jesus taught them…
The Lord’s Prayer, Part 1
Luke 11:1-4 We are back to our study of Luke’s Gospel. So, we want to ask you to turn to that section on the Lord’s prayer that’s found in Luke 11, one to four. Luke 11, one to four. We’ve been taking our time to understand the privilege that we have of coming to God in prayer, and we have spent a good portion of time to clarify the greatness of the one that we call, father. The one that…
Worshipful and Watchful
psalm 119:129-136
How Living is Christ
Philippians 1:24-26 Please turn in your Bibles to Philippians Chapter 1. We are going to be continuing through this passage, which is a Part 2 to last week’s sermon. This morning’s passage also comes directly out of that well-known saying that Paul makes in verse 21. Let’s quickly remind ourselves of this context which we are studying today. Let’s look at the end of verse 18 all the way through verse 26 together again. *Yes, and I will rejoice, for…
Time for the Lord to Act
Psalm 119:121-128
How Death is Gain
Philippians 1:21-23 What a joy it is to be back with you again today in this book. It’s been a while, so we are going to spend the first couple of moments reminding ourselves of what Paul has been saying to us in the previous verses. Of course the best way to remind us of that is by reading some of these verses. Let’s read together the end of verse 18 through 26 in Chapter 1 and remind ourselves a…