Teaching (Page 34)

Teaching (Page 34)

The Virtue of Watchfulness

Luke 12:35-40 We are back though in Luke, chapter 12, right in the middle of this amazing chapter, and today we’re looking at verses 35 to 40. Some powerful perspective setting, priority setting, teaching from our Lord Jesus Christ. At the end of every year and, a, right around this time, Thanksgiving, Christmas season, I find myself looking back on what’s happened over the past year. And this year is no different. I reflect on events, take stock of what…

Fix Your Eyes on Jesus

Hebrews 1:1-16 I have some things I want to say to you today, speaking as a pastor and as a shepherd, who is also, like you, one of the sheep. So, I’m a sheep speaking to fellow sheep. I want to focus our attention, as sheep, where it should be. We need to fix our eyes on Jesus, “the author and perfecter of our faith”, who is our Good Shepherd. We need to never look away from him. That is…