The Stewardship of a Scoundrel
Luke 16:1-8 Turn in your Bibles to Luke 16 and we’ll be looking at verses 1 to 13 of Luke, chapter 16. I was speaking the other day with someone. Both of us were expressing appreciation for all that the Lord taught us in Luke 15. The parable of the Prodigal Son. I had great joy in studying that section and preaching and teaching it. I feel a, a small tinge of sadness at leaving that beautiful, rich, richly textured…
The Lost Brother
Luke 15:25-32 This morning we do have one more chance to look at Luke 15, so if you turn there in your Bibles, you’ll be right in the right place. This is the parable of two lost sons and a, a very loving father. We have in our study over the past few weeks, we’ve seen the prodigal son. We’ve looked at the loving father last week and today we come to the second son, the elder brother, who is…
The Loving Father
Luke 15:17-24 I invite you to return to Luke 15 as we continue studying the parable of the prodigal son. And today we come to the central character in the story, who is the loving father and we’re going to see his remarkable kindness shown to an undeserving prodigal. We left the prodigal last time in some pretty dire circumstances. He was near starvation, in a pigsty, fine Jewish boy, but brought to that state, that condition in the fact…
The Lost Son
Luke 15:11-16 Well we’re in Luke 15 today, and you can turn there in your Bibles as we come to the third of the three parables that Jesus tells us in this chapter. This is the perfectly crafted, moving, beautiful story of the prodigal son. This has to be, by far, the best known, most famous story that Jesus ever told and for good reason. The story is perfect in every way. It’s exquis, exquisitely rich in its detail. It’s…
Route 66: Numbers
When Mark was leading us through Exodus a few weeks ago, he highlighted the fear that the people of Israel had of God. Turn with me to Exodus 20:18 – lets refresh our memories after the workday and school – Exodus 20:18. Remember the context here, the people have just stood at a distance, and as the Ten Commandments are given by God, we see in verse thunder and lightning and the sounds of trumpets and trembling of the earth. …