Teaching (Page 21)

Teaching (Page 21)

Christian Marriage in Real Life

1 Peter 3:1-7 Today we’re going to be in 1 Peter 3, but before we go there, I want to return briefly to Ephesians, chapter 5 and verse 33. Ephesians 5:33, this is Paul’s conclusion to the instruction on the biblical roles of the husband and wife, which we covered last couple weeks. In Ephesians 5:32, speaks of the unveiling of the mystery of marriage. We talked about that. “This mystery is profound,” Paul says. It’s the mystery of a…

Marriage Glorifies God’s Redemption, Part 2

Ephesians 5:25-33 We are going back to Ephesians Chapter 5 this morning to finish the sermon that I started preaching last week. If you’re new to Grace Church, just want to let you know that usually we are working our way verse by verse through a book of the Bible. We have taken a break to do this series on marriage, taken a break from our exposition of Luke’s Gospel, working through a series on marriage. We’re about halfway through…

Marriage Glorifies God’s Redemption, Part 1

Ephesians 5:15-24 Well, we are in a middle of a series on marriage and we have already looked at marriage as God designed it from creation in Genesis 1 and 2. We’ve also seen what’s happened to marriage as an institution because of the people who inhabit that institution in the sinful inhabitants of the institution. What happens to marriage in the fall? And today we are going to look at marriage as it is redeemed, marriage as it glorifies…

Marriage and the Hope of Redemption

Genesis 3:7-24 Well, we go from a sobering reminder of the world that we live in to think about marriage. And you might think, well, how are we going to make a segue from bombs going off in Kiev, Ukraine to the harmony and the joy of our marriages. Well, here’s my attempt. When those unbelievers come into a bomb shelter and they see the families of believing Ukrainians and believing missionaries, they see a difference.   There is a difference…