Teaching (Page 11)

Teaching (Page 11)

Christ Cleanses the Temple

Luke 19:45-48 Well, I’d like to invite you to turn to the Gospel of Luke this morning. Luke 19:45. It’s so good to be back with you. I can’t believe how long I’ve been gone, but it is, it is really a joy, a privilege for me to open the word of God with you to this morning. I count it such a high and holy honor that we get to do this together, such a joy. As we get…

Jonah’s Callous Heart Confronted

Jonah 4 If you would turn in your copy of the scriptures to Jonah and as we come to the end of the book of Jonah, we’re reminded of the beginning of the book. As we see Jonah at the end, he resembles much the same hard hearted, calloused man that he resembled at the beginning in chapter 1. When Yahweh initially commissioned Jonah in chapter 1 to go preach against Nineveh, Jonah fled in the other direction to go…

Yahweh’s Compassion Comes to Nineveh

Jonah 3 We are in the middle of a series on the book of Jonah, so if you want to turn there now in your Bibles you can. It’s been personally an encouraging study. It’s been encouraging us to compassion for the lost, even the most wicked and vile of people. It’s been an encouragement in the midst of trials, even discipline from the Lord to repent, to trust in the one who controls all things and is working all…

Jonah’s Prayer of Thanksgiving

Jonah 2 Well, welcome to Grace Church, for those of you who are new, you don’t know me, my name is Brett Hastings. I am like Bill, I’m a member here, but I’m also one of the elders who has the privilege of serving this church as the Lord’s under shepherd. Last month, we started into a the book of Jonah, we took a brief break to hear from Josh out of the book of James, and it was really…

Comfort in the Character of a Giving God

James 1:16-18Our sermon again today is going to be in the book of James, James, chapter 1. But we once again turn to the book of James and we continue to look at the first chapter, which as we have said before, needs to be seen in the context of trials. It’s a context of trials throughout the entirety of chapter 1. We’ve already talked at length about God’s good intention for the believer in trials, as, as we have…

Understanding Temptation for Our Sanctification

James 1:13-15 If you would turn in your Bible to James, the book of James, we will be continuing on in our study of the book of James. We’re still in chapter 1. Today we’re gonna look at verses 13 through 15. Verses 13 through 15 of James chapter 1. And as we do that, we do need to once again remind ourselves about the context in which James is a delivering this letter. James is speaking to a group…

The Hope of the Blessed in Trying Times

James 1:12 We are this morning, continuing on through the book of James. That’s, that’s where I’m at when I’m up here, James chapter one and today we’re just going to be looking at verse 12. So not making a ton of progress through the book of James, but we are getting through it, nonetheless. James 1:12 and in this morning’s text is really a promise for believers, it really is for a the encouragement of believers. So, as we…

Yahweh’s Relentless Mercy, Part 2

Jonah 1:7-17 For this morning, we are going to be back in the book of Jonah, if you want to make your way there in your copy of the scriptures. We’re gonna finish up chapter 1 of Jonah this morning. And so I just want to, at the front of this read chapter 1 again, have the context in our mind, the narrative in, in our minds before we get into the verses we’re gonna cover this morning. So Jonah…