

Ministries at Grace Church

Grace Church engages in various ministries in obedience to the Great Commission: to make disciples, baptizing them and teaching them to obey all Christ has commanded (Matthew 28:18-20). The church’s fundamental ministry priority is to its membership, to equip its saints for the work of ministry for the edification of the church (Ephesians 4:11-16).

The priority of ministry to the church body is reflected in the regular ministries each week.

Join us Sunday mornings for Equipping Hour (9:00 am) and our Lord’s Day worship service (10:30 am).

To join us for any other event or Bible study check out the church calendar, or follow the links below for more details.

Minsitry opportunities

Children's Ministry at Grace Church Greely

Children’s Ministry

Teaching children to know and to practice the Word of Truth so that they will hold fast to it as they grow up.

Adult Ministries at Grace Church Greely

Adult Ministries

Join us during Equipping Hour and for our midweek studies to dig deeper and to “enrich the soil”.

Ministry of Biblical Counseling at Grace Church Greely

Biblical Counseling

The goal of biblical counseling is to help struggling people learn to work out repentance in a particular area.

Student Ministry

Making disciples of young people, encouraging them to repent of their sin, and follow Jesus Christ.

Home Group Ministry at Grace Church Greely

Home Groups

Grace Church’s Home Groups are an ideal setting for true Christian fellowship, which is essential to Christian growth.

Music Ministry at Grace Church Greely

Music Ministry

We use music to express our thankfulness for who God is and what He has done and sing praises to His name!

Men’s Ministry

Training men how to shepherd their family well, know the deep things of God, and to be men of godly character.

Ministries of Conferences at Grace Church Greely


Join us for the annual Pillar of Truth Conference and be blesses by the preaching of Scripture.

Podcast Ministry of the Pillar of Truth at Grace Church Greely

Pillar of Truth

Our world confronts us with questions. God’s Word holds every answer. A podcast/online streaming ministry of Grace Church.