Men’s Ministry
Men’s Ministry at Grace Church places focus on men as, Shepherds, Theologians, and Men (STM) is designed to train men how to shepherd their family well, know the deep things of God, and be men of godly character.
If you would like to join us, check the calendar for the next Saturday theology study.
Right now, Men’s Ministry training consists of men getting together on Saturday mornings where Pastor Travis is teaching through systematic theology and its implications for men as shepherds.
It is a time to learn about the theological foundation of our faith, and with that foundation, men are challenged to grow in personal character and holiness.
Please speak with our Associate Pastor Joshua Oedy with any questions about STM.
Adult Ministries
Join us during Equipping Hour and for our midweek studies to dig deeper and to “enrich the soil”.
Music Ministry
We use music to express our thankfulness for who God is and what He has done and sing praises to His name!
Pillar of Truth
Our world confronts us with questions. God’s Word holds every answer. A podcast/online streaming ministry of Grace Church.